Our family loves to go camping, and our dog, Riley is constantly by our side. As usual, he was without a dry, clean place to lay down near the campfire. My husband thought I was crazy when I moved our brand-new RV rug close to the campfire. Riley was able to spawl out as dogs do. He was off from the sand and mud that were around the fire pit. The best thing was that when it came time to retire for the night, Riley didn't have sand in his fur, which meant that there wasn't any in the camper. The comfort of sitting on the mat around the campfire was enjoyed by our entire family.

 After a while, we talked about setting the mat next to the campfire more often so we can enjoy this clean, dry space all the time and Riley can keep sand out. Then the discussion grew to include having a mat that fits around the campfire so that our family and friends can enjoy the same experience.

 When we got home from our camping trip, we did some research and discovered that a mat like this did not exist. That is when we developed this original, practical, and fire-retardant campfire mat, which is currently patent pending.

 We are certain that you will appreciate the campfire mat as much as we do. Happy camping, everyone!

Dave & Alisa

Photoshoot on prototype of the Campfire Mat with Riley.